
Hi, I’m _______ and I’m an alcoholic.

Welcome to Park Meeting, a meeting in the park.

I’ve asked _______ to read the AA preamble.

*AA Preamble read*

I’ve asked ___ to read “How it Works” from Chapter 5 of the A.A. Big Book.

Park meeting is a speaker meeting, where a member of the AA community shares their experience strength and hope in recovering from alcoholism.

Is anyone counting days from 1 to 90?

Every week a new person picks someone to speak at the meeting. With that, I’d like to introduce our speaker, _______.

*Speaker speaks*

Thanks ___.

We will continue with round robin sharing. Would anyone like to go first?

That’s all the time we have for sharing.

I've asked _________ to read the promises.

*Promises read*

If you’d like, you can put money in the basket to buy seltzer for next weeks meeting. Now our speaker will take us out with a prayer of their choosing.